Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Yea! Down 2lbs!

So, I did my weigh in on Monday and I was down 2lbs!  I am really excited to see that little changes in my daily activities are making a difference on the scale.  I finished off the week by doing some exercises with the Wii Fit and the Jillian Michaels game.  She is hard!!

Last night I also did 30 minutes on the treadmill.  I can see where the weekends are going to be my downfall, as it probably is for most people.  

I've gone out to Pinterest to grab some Weight Watchers recipes to try for this weekend.  I have to plan what I am going to cook so that my family and I aren't stuck eating bad and ruining all of the good work we did during the week!

Happy Hump Day to everyone and I hope that this week is going well for you.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

On my way...

So, yesterday I did the 6 things that were on my Vitality Wins to do list.  I did 17 minutes on the treadmill, then I did crunches.  I hate my breakfast (big change for me), drank all the required water, ate some veggies, and got at least 6 hours of sleep.  I feel good so far!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Where to Begin?

So, this post starts the beginning of my weight loss journey.  I have always struggled with my weight, all my life, but seem to have been compounded when I had to have my thyroid removed because I suffered from Graves Disease.  Since 2005, when I had my surgery, I have not only gained a large amount of weight, but I have tried on and off every year to loose it, without success.  I am again hoping to be successful, with the help of friends and family.

I have come across a website called Vitality Wins where you compete against team mates like a game and win points/tokens, etc.  The first round is 8 weeks and I hope to lose my first 10lbs in that time frame.  My husband, mother, father, and friends are all playing along.

I hope to use this blog as an outlet to write about my experience and hopefully inspire someone else.  This is the year that things will change!

So, for the embarrassing part, the starting numbers, my weight is 234 lbs.  Hopefully, 10 months from now, that will be 50lbs less and I will be a little wiser and make better choices.

Here's to beginnings and endings!

Take care,

"The Elusive Size 10"