Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Yea! Down 2lbs!

So, I did my weigh in on Monday and I was down 2lbs!  I am really excited to see that little changes in my daily activities are making a difference on the scale.  I finished off the week by doing some exercises with the Wii Fit and the Jillian Michaels game.  She is hard!!

Last night I also did 30 minutes on the treadmill.  I can see where the weekends are going to be my downfall, as it probably is for most people.  

I've gone out to Pinterest to grab some Weight Watchers recipes to try for this weekend.  I have to plan what I am going to cook so that my family and I aren't stuck eating bad and ruining all of the good work we did during the week!

Happy Hump Day to everyone and I hope that this week is going well for you.
